Wednesday, March 24, 2010

HEB 3/14/2010

I have been sick as well as the rest of the family. Plus researching homeschool options.

my last trips were to HEB

HEB 3/14/2010 $62.18


I need to add this passed week's since I haven't been shopping for awhile. Our totals. This passed weekend had a full cart, see what happens when mom gets kicked in the head with a serious sinus/cold/bronchitis.

Thanks Texas Weather......

HEB 3/20/2010 $178.63

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Sick as a dog, no grocery shopping

Hard to believe I have not grocery shopped since the 24th.  Man, I was hit hard by the flu and sinus infection.

Hubby has piece mealed, with picking up bread and milk but I need to find his reciepts to update this tally.

Going to bed.......................................

With a pillow under head

Monday, March 1, 2010

Change of Plans

 But, we will still coupon, rebate, and survey.

However, now I am focusing on building a year / two stockpile of basic neccesities.  My husband wants to move over to a contractor (same job/same pay/less hours/less drive 2 hrs a day/less over time) closer to home.  We are still paying off the mortgage as quick as possible. I am thoroughly supporting his decision because we have both been through BRAC studies before --- I was actually a manpower technician for the Air Force.  He knows the signs of a base closing or going commerical contract.

So from here on in:  I will have a budget for stockpiling added to our grocery bill.

More to come

For those that use Prevacid, there was a rebate this weekend in Parade Magazine, also there was a $4 off coupon.  A careful shopper would buy using a coupon and then send in the reciept to get said OTC for almost free.   Just a thought