Monday, December 21, 2009

I got a bit side tracked on the way to motherhood.

But I am back now.

My Goal is to have my husband 'retired' in five years. To do this, I just need to manage our monies to pay off our bills. Of course he will have to get a semi part time job at say Wal-mart or flip burgers for spending cash.

But we will be totally debt free.

This year, we paid off: car note, credit card debts (left over from Lisa's long term illness) and cut back expenses.

We went from owing 90K plus in 2006, to owing just on our house 57K this year. Mind you, I am a SAHM (stay at home mom) and do draw a retirement check from the VA.  Now, after thirteen years of gentle feminine wiles *****NAGGING**** My hubby is ready to tighten our belts and pay off our mortgage.

When he found out that just an increase of $100 towards an additional principal payment each month (only 5 years) would cut down our loan by 9 years.  Yes NINE years with a savings of $46,920. 

So, here we are onto a new decade.  I plan on spending only $4,179 for a family of four to eat healthy.  The additional monies I earn from rebates, coupon savings, surveys, and other small renue raisers we will deposite for 2010 as an extra whammy on the mortgage.


It is my personal goal and mantra:

My husband makes the money; I inturn will save the money and make it work for us.

Watch out E.F. Hutton, I will figure your job out next.

Steps off...............................................