This is great rubbed on Salmon and other Seafood, or Chicken...
Sri Lankan Curry Powder (Makes 12 Tbsp)
6 tbsp. coriander seeds
3 tbsp. cumin seeds
1 tbsp. fennel seeds
1 tsp. fenugreek seeds
5 cm/2 in piece cinnamon stick
1 tsp. cloves
8 green cardamoms
6 dried curry leaves
1-2 tsp. chili powder
1. Dry-fry or roast the coriander, cumin, fennel and fenugreek separately because they turn dark at different stages. Deep-fry or roast the cinnamon stick, cloves and cardamom together until they give off a spicy aroma.
2. Remove the seeds from the cardamom podd and grind all the ingredients with the curry leaves and chili powder to a fine powder.
* ok, that's the recipe as it's written... you can substitute
Dried Cilantro leaves for the coriander seed
Plain store-bought curry powder if you don't have the dried leaves...
and you can use powders of any of those seeds ..
just remember that powdered is a different measured amt and so are the leaves so have to adjust accordingly...
I don't usually bother dry-roasting I just grind the seeds & cinn stix together then add the powdered ones and mix. It has an odd smell but it is fantastic! Even made with this simple variation...
That's it! Enjoy!!!!
rockonaudi ( 397) View Blog
dk should get my home-made granola recipe and fruit & nut balls... they are very healthy but better yet... delicious!!!!
Jan-16-09 16:43:52 PST
rockonaudi ( 397) View Blog
Thanks Saenz... of course!!!! You can have ANY of my recipes... my home-made Granola & fruit & Nut balls are way awesome... I ship to all of my family as they love it! I have a few of my own that I'm very happy to share... copy and paste away and pics are fine too! ((((hugs))))!
Jan-16-09 16:48:42 PST